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Kettlebell Workout For Weight Loss

Use your versatile kettlebells as resistance-training tools to build full-body strength. Lie faceup with legs straight out. You can use kettlebells for just about anything, from high-rep HIIT workouts to low-rep heavyweight slogs, and they're especially good for compound moves like swings and squats. On your left side, stick your arm and leg out at 45-degree angles and press them into the floor for support.

Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you and then stand with your feet apart so they are wider than the width Workout Tips of your shoulders. This is the king” of kettlebell exercises and deserves a place in any kettlebell workout routine. Once you reach the bottom, stand up quickly and press the kettlebell into the air until your arms are straight.

Hold it at your chest and stand tall with feet at hip width. Stop when chest and right leg are parallel to floor, then reverse movement to return to start. From this point, we can add our own view that kettlebells are a great alternative to traditional exercise methods.

Most of the kettlebell exercises are actually very similar to classic olympic lifts, however kettlebell lift are much easier to learn. With the back straight, squat down to the floor bending your knees. If you need more weight, you can alternatively take two kettlebells and hold them in the racked” position while squatting.

Start in a plank position but with your hands grasping two kettlebell handles. 2-Arm Kettlebell Swing: Begin with your feet just wider than hip distance apart, and always be sure to bend at the knees using your legs to pick up the kettlebell. This is basically the ‘Two Hand Kettlebell Swing' but WITHOUT the Kettlebell for 1 Minute.